Yesterday while window shopping at an old Salvage
antique shop Jeff found a old 8mm projector in mint condition
and so he bought it and last night the four of us had the
pleasure of watching Jeff's grandparents old 8mm
silent family movies!.
It was really awesome for us to see family
at young ages and to see family members
we did not have the privildge of knowing
like Jeff's great grandparents and his grandparents
on his father's side. and of course Jeff's Grandpa
(Daddo) rodeoing.
it was a thrill for me to see Jeff excited about showing
these movies I know it brought up a lot of memories
for him and he was glad the kids showed a interest in
watching them ( usually the kids have their own plans
on Saturday's) It meant a great deal to Jeff.
we were not able to get through them all last-night
so we decided to have another ol silent movie night
on another weekend.
I can't wait.