wow it is here! 25 years ago today
I married my soul mate. it has been a
whirl wind of a roller coaster ride one
I would take again in a instant! it has been and still is silver bliss to me.
we have been through a great deal
of life in the last 25 years some
happy, some sad, some trials and tribulations and well isn't that what
marriage is all about.
it has always been the heart of the matter.
we have surpassed what nay sayers told us many years ago, well to be honest we surpassed it by 20 years! and we are looking forward to the next 25 plus years
when we got married it was just the two of us with out the wedding hoopla. I have always wished that our families would have been there, but I guess things turned out the way they were meant to. when we married my husband was in the U.S. Coast Guard and we were stationed in many great places and even though at times I felt like we were gypsies always moving I always told my husband that home was where ever he was as long as we were together I have kept that feeling still today.
last year we started taking our little road trips to make sure we spent quality time together
we still plan on doing that some this year but our family is going through some things and preparing for our son's graduation celebration we decided to postpone our 25th anniversary celebration getaway to a later date.
we are however going to go out and have a nice dinner!!