I have made the decision to take on a
"new approach " not only in "my expressions"
but also in my life both physically and spiritually.
As I begin this "new approach" and work my way
through it I may end up changing things within myself,
and this blog. I am still debating if a purge of certain blogs will be made
but until I reach that decision the blogs will stay as is.
On Labor day weekend while on our mini road trip
I came across this saying"home is where your story begins"
this saying struck something within me, I believe those words
to be true and I think that I have covered that in previous blogs.
I know where I come from, what memories and influences of love
from our family that inspired me will always be part of
who I am and I will continue to express about those from time to time.
My new approach will be about many different facets that really express
me and what I think and feel in the present of course not forgetting anything
in the past.
definitions- New= being other than the former or old
Approach= the taking of preliminary steps toward
a particular purpose.
each day begins and ends with new memories that we create for ourselves
on a daily basis, and I feel that is the part of my "expressions" or of me
that I want to focus on .
with a new day coming and where ever my new approach takes me
I hope to enjoy it immensely.