Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fly little bird

Today is a happy and sad day for me. My dear co-worker and friend had her last day at work today. Though I know thus was coming I couldn't believe it was actually here. Well today was her last day but I was not there has I had a vacation day but we texted each other .
B. Has been my rock for 9 years and we have shared do much over that time so it's no wonder I'm going to miss her abs Monday when I go to work it's going to be strange not having her there !

I'm am truly happy for her, she and her husband are embarking on a journey and relocating out of ca leaving  both sides of thur family and just being in their own.
I am proud of them taking this leap. We had a wonderful surprise going away dinner for her . I wouldn't really say good bye because I know we will forever be friends and we will visit each other.

I kind of feel like a mama bird ( since I am old enough to be her mom ! ) watching my little bird  take flight and fit free .

Friday, September 18, 2015

Can't believe

I find it hard to believe that it's been way over a year since I blogged. I had ever intention of blooming on a regular basis but I let being busy in daily life take over and perhaps I didn't feel like I had anything really worthy to blog about. 

Nevertheless, I'm going to try and keep blogging by continuing my expressions every now and then