people everywhere are out buying that special gift for their kids or significant other, there are those who
get engaged or even married. it like many other holidays has become so
commercial I admit there are times
I go out and buy something, but I also
find it fun to make valentine cards and
gifts for my little family. (My husband is not a big valentine day romantic he does give me a kiss and tells me he loves me but he does this everyday!)
anyway... every year on this day or as close to it I make my cards for the kids and my husband and
then I have always baked these special cookies for my kids. it has become something of a tradition which they totally expect every year so I made this batch and they were very joyful of the fact. (they love the homemade from scratch effect!)
I remember when I was a kid my mother would crochet these lovely little heart
pillows for my teachers
I'm not a person who can crochet ( I want to learn someday) but today got me thinking my little homemade goodness ritual I do for my kids is kind of the same as my moms it is done with love no matter how it turns out.
on this day I am also reminded of two of my utmost favorite sayings about love
the first being 1 Corinthian 13:4-7 Love is patient
and the second is this
Love is a happy thing
it makes us laugh
it makes us sing
it makes us sad
it makes us cry
it makes us seek the reason why
it makes us take
it makes us give
above all else it makes us LIVE
I am blessed with love from my family, for all my family
and to my blogger friends out there
I wish you a happy valentines day