Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The definition of the word Expression states:
the act of expressing something thought or felt.
to Express oneself: to communicate one's meanings or feelings

Being new to blogging, I became inspired to enter this new world by reading other blogs and as I read overwhelming feelings and emotions came over me and I was hooked. I am not sure what my place in the land of bloggers will be but I hope that my expressions will be of some encouragement to my fellow bloggers and in the act make some new friends.

I guess it's time I express a little about me, I reside with my family in central valley of northern ca, been married for 24 years, have two great teenagers a son who is entering his senior year of high school and a daughter who is entering her sophomore year. I am very proud of my children as they have grown into loving, caring, mature people.

I come from a large family ( certain to have blogs) I am of course the youngest, my parents are both resting in peace along with two of my older brothers, I have one remaining brother
and five sisters. then of course plenty of nieces, nephews, even some great neieces, nephews, etc.

for those of you who know me any expressions that you read on my blog are just that my expressions it is not meant to hurt anyone and if it does well I apologize a head of time.

I look forward to this blogging world it seems to have entered my life at a time that seems appropriate for me and I am excited to enter it.

1 comment:

Angela Marie said...

Well! I for one, am very happy that you left a comment on my blog! I like your style. :)

For me, "I am stepping out of the box!" with this blogging bit. But, I am finding it to be a wonderful experience.

I am looking forward to your many expressions on life and such.

I think that you will find blogging to be wonderful as well. The support is unbelievable! As time goes visiting blogs and reading "people," you see such growth in every one of them.

I hope that you have enjoy it!