Tuesday, June 19, 2007


"Real courage is when you know your licked
before you begin, but you begin anyway and you
see it through no matter what"
taken from to Kill a Mockingbird

well yesterday I took my first step and entered the college world
I had my first math class pre-algebra
I had a lot of home work for the 1st day
but what did I expect it was in fact the first

I was full of anxiety & stress
because I thought I would
be the oldest kid in class ( so I meditated a bit)
but to my dismay
I was not there are more class mates my age
and a little older in fact we are the majority!

the homework was hard but I think it was
basically just getting my mind back into
doing math mode and trying to learn
the new math, math that I did not have to take
when I was in high school or my early days of college
well I am going to try to muddle through this
almost through the week the class is only 3 days
a week for 5 weeks.

one week almost down 4 more to go
wish me luck!!!

truthfully it was not as bad as I
thought it would be.

1 comment:

Angela Marie said...

That is great Deb!

I know that you can do it!