Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I Wish

I wish you enough sun to keep your
attitude bright no matter how gray
the day may appear

I wish you enough rain to
appreciate the sun even more

I wish you enough happiness to
keep your spirit everlasting

I wish you enough pain so that
even the smallest joys in life
may appear bigger

I wish you enough gain to
satisfy your wanting

I wish you enough loss to appreciate
all that you posses

I wish you enough hello's to get
you through the final good-bye

Last Saturday, my family and I attended one of
my cousins son's high school graduation picnic
it was really great to see my remaining aunts, uncles
and cousins who you tend to only see at weddings or
funerals, I love hearing them reminisce about
the family members that have passed and stories
about their youth, and it caused me to realize
how many final good-byes they have had to
say to siblings and family members they have
lost through the years.

but for as many good-byes as they have said
they have had many hello's with the new that
are born to the family that is what is great
because they tell the new about the old.

I then thought how lucky I am to
have had the pleasure of knowing
these people of being apart of their family
and I also thought how great I feel about
my own Nephews, Nieces, and I hope that
someday their children will go to a family
gathering and listen to their Aunts, Uncles,
Cousins, reminisce about those we had to say
the final good-bye to and have many Hello's

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