Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Breakfast Club

Carol, Dorothy,Yolanda, Minnie, not pictured are Lori, Sharon, Deb

This is only a few members of what we call the "Breakfast Club"
five more are missing.when I worked for curves I met these lovely ladies and we gather
together for breakfast when it is one our birthdays. The birthday girl this past Friday was
the lady in the dark yellow shirt her name is Minnie. and she turned 78 years old! she has survived a battle with breast cancer, and the loss of two husbands, but still has the strong heart, sharp mind, and energy of a teenager! I keep telling her I only hope to have the energy she does
when I am her age! These ladies are so much fun, they tell jokes, and keep you informed on
the happenings of our home town. they all moved over to the new gym, When I left curves
they said it was because it was not the same with out me and my partner Lori
we say they wanted to join to see the young men work out!! they will tell you
well it is good exercise for their eyes!!!

gotta love em

1 comment:

Angela Marie said...

They sound like a kick in the pants!LOL!
It sounds like you have fun with these women... and can learn a lot from them!