Monday, July 16, 2007


This is Kailtyn and she took a self portrait with
this saying. Kailtyn accepted
the Lord in her life on her birthday last
June I am not sure when she took this
photo but I thought it was a good one
Yesterday Kaitlyn went to a Adventist
Camp week to give her testimony to
let people know that their scholarship
fund for Christian education makes a big
difference to those who thirst for it
I came across this verse and
thought it to be appropriate for this blog.

"Strong Christian's aren't necessarily strong people
they just know who to run to"

I may not be adventist as my daughter
but I feel I gave her a bit of
root to flurish in her vine with the Lord!


Angela Marie said...

Deb.... this is beautiful!

It struck the core of my soul! So much that I have tears just running down my face.
If I was right there, I would just give Kaitlyn the biggest hug.

Yes Deb, I believe that you were a part of this, but also my beautiful Grandma.


JB said...

I agree with Angela. I see so much of her Nana in Kait. Her spirituality lights her up from inside, just like Mom.
I love spending time with beautiful Kaitlyn. She is still the same smart, funny girl but with a serenity that makes me feel immediately calm and relaxed. Contact high.