My brothers I have so many different memories
of them I am the youngest and so they being so much
older I did not have a typical brother & sister relationship
that my children have I wish I could have but I am thankful
for knowing them and having the relationship that I did have
with them.
My oldest brother is Jose aka (Joe) named after my grandfather
Joe has long passed,he being the oldest had
the sense of Family first as my parents raised us to be,
he had a persona of being ruff and tough but had a heart of gold.
my fondest memory is of
Joe coming to visit and we would watch westerns from
Gunsmoke, to Big Valley,to Bonanza with my father.
Joe never married, and I miss him.
My middle brother is Robert aka (Peter) named after our father
we lost him a few years ago as stated in an earlier blog
he was my knight in shinning armor
he to was a family first person, and a very strong sense
of straight shoot from the hip no holds bar speak the truth
even if the other person does not like it! when I took
my husband to meet him for the first time he asked
him if he wanted a shot of whiskey my husband being polite said
"no thanks" my brother in his famous self told my husband
"Then eat Sh__!" I was mortified but my husband being the
sport that he was drank the shot and won my brother's approval
when I had my son and daughter my relationship with him got
closer he was quite fond of my kids and I count my blessing for it.
and I know he is happy that I have reconnected with his
daughter's and their family.
My youngest and surviving brother is Anthony aka( Louis)
when I was a young girl I remember him full of life and laughter
he went to Vietnam and came back a different person, quite, kind
of a recluse but when we need him he is there to lend a helping
hand. he being the only living brother sometimes takes it's toll
though because we girls check in on him and he feels henpecked
he lives in my brother Joe's home. he has a son named after him
and two grandchildren.
I think of my brother's often I look back at old photos
and memories and I have to admit I have dreams and
here them talking to me. they are always in my heart
1 comment:
You have descibed them all on target.
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