This is me and my Daddy it is the only photo I have of
him and me alone. I won't repeat what I have already said
about my Daddy how he loved my Mom but I wanted to express
my memories and feelings about him.
in his younger years he was a very handsome man
with piercing blue eyes and gorgeous red hair
( his ancestors decenseded from Spain.)
when I was born My father was in his 60's when I was
16 he passed at the age of 82! I said it before those
baby blues of his would get a smile out of anyone.
he was a family man through and through with mainly
daughters he did have three son's with my mother and
a son with his first wife whom he never got to know.
I think that is why he was such a family man
he was strict and when angry he meant business
but( he knew when my mom meant business too!)
he was also full of love. he did not speak
a whole lot of English he understood and spoke enough
with me to get by but stuck
with Spanish. to bad for me that somehow I
did not become fluent in speaking spanish
I can understand but can not think fast enough
to converse.
as stated before he enjoyed all his grandchildren
and would spoil them rotten. that was his job
speaking of jobs he worked for many years as a
coal miner and then in a plant nursery.
he had a very good "green thumb" and his vegetable
and rose garden would thrive with beautiful colors.
I remember he used to have this little dance
he would do kind of a jig of sorts and laugh/twinkle in his
eyes as he would dance those little steps ( looking back
kinda reminded me of a leperchaun jig!)
anyway, I miss my Daddy, he was there for
my siblings when important events occurred.
upon his passing he would never see me graduate
from high school, walk me down the isle, get to know
my children. but I learned at a very young age
that he his with me, always by thinking about him
remincising about my memories with him, and
I feel his presence when I think of those times
and some may think I am Loco as daddy would say
but I sometimes find myself talking out loud to him
as if he is listening and hearing me. ( maybe he his)
funny, because after I do talk out loud I somehow feel
a sense of contentment in my heart.
He was the best Daddy in the world married to the best Mama in the world!
It is good to have our memories of him and pass those on to our children and grandchildren. Our kids should "know" Nana and Papa as well as possible.
Great picture of Deb and Daddy.
He was the best Grandpa a little girl could have.... well, besides my daddy to my daughter.
I loved my Grandpa and knew he loved me. Everyone had such respect for him. It's funny, I always felt like a little princess around Grandpa and Grandma. Always special.
Deb, I remember that jig he did!
Thank you for jogging that memory!
sigh~ they were the very VERY best!
Sweetie, he is with you... always. You were one of his pride and joys! I remember feeling that too.
Lets see you spell his middle name!
gigling out loud!!!
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