My sister Eve is such a wonderful person
she is a 2nd grade teacher well she has been
teaching at the same school she student taught
in over 30 years ago and this is her final year
of teaching at the school because she is retiring
this year.
there are many quotes about teachers
but one saying I like that makes me think
of my sis is
"Teachers change the world one child at a time"
I remember my sister bringing home papers to
grade and staying up late she still does this
she now has some of her past students children
and I think that is pretty cool because it is a full
circle thing.
one of her past students was accepted into Harvard
and told her that she inspired him I thought that to be
awesome for her. when she told me that she was retiring
this year I had to stop and think just how many lives she
impacted in her teaching career I know she has helped advise
me and mine when we needed it. she never married and
all the nieces and nephews kind of in some ways became
her kids as well. she used to travel a great deal I hope
she returns to that when she retires. She and Mary
share my parents home.
Eve is quiet, she has a love for plays, (she and kiel just
came back from the Oregon where they attended
a week of plays and she and I share a passion for old movies
and hiking. she has a big heart and will do anything for our
I am glad that she and Kiel have things in common
it's nice that they enjoy this and Kiel plans on taking
her to Oregon again in the future.
another quote that makes me think of my sis is"
"To Teach is to Touch a life forever"
in my youth my sister has touched my life forever
by teaching me and by being my sister.
Our sister Eva is among that select few TEACHERS that many students remember with fondness and gratitude.
For that one Harvard student who paid her tribute, are many more thanking their lucky stars that she is still there teaching their own kids like she was there for them when they needed her.
A most special person, graceful, honest, so loving and giving. The children of our family benefitted greatly from our very own favorite teacher.
Thanks for a great post Deb. You're going to have to accept an outside post written by all of your sisters, titled Debbie.
She is retiring?
Did you know that she was mikes wifes teacher?
What a wonderful story about Eva!
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