This is me and my beautiful daughter Kaitlyn.
I feel very blessed to be this teenagers
mother (yes, she can drive me crazy but that is
her job at her age!) but it is a crazy I would not
trade for anything. Kaitlyn was a blessing
because we were told Kiel would be our only child
and then surprise we were blessed with this lovely gal.
she has come from a baby born with low muscle tone
she had to have physical therapy to build it up ( which you
would never know now) to being bit in the face twice by two
different dogs (she still loves dogs) and last year had to have
knee surgery. she is a strong, passionate young lady,
I admire her so, she is strong in her faith and fights for
what she believes in, she is shy but once she feels comfortable
comes out of her shell like gangbusters! I see so much of my
sisters and brothers traits in her.( I also see a lot of me that
i wish I would of become when I was her age)
people say we sound a like on the phone she does not
think so! we always do fun things together weather it
be take a walk , go shopping/or window shopping or
just going to see a "chick flick" or convincing me that
I need to take her and her best friend to a concert or
be the volunteer parent to drive them places!!
she is very close to her brother Kiel which makes me
very happy they are two years apart they are best friends
like my sister Helen and brother Peter were. she is also
close with her God Parents my sis Jeanne and her husband
she has such a big heart and has high aspirations for
herself and I know she will achieve them, because she
knows that God always has her back and that the family
unit is there for her as well.
Kaitlyn is a beauty inside and out! I have seen glimps of her coming out of her shell. She is full of character.. I love how both of our children are so close to each other. What a blessing.
There is a saying, I am not sure how it quite goes. It is something like this... when you have a daughter, you are giving birth to your best friend.
What a sweet picture of the two of you.
K-K-K-Kaitie, Beautiful Kaitie!!
Thank you Debbie and Jeff for sharing Kaitlyn with us. She is the sweet daughter we never had.
Love you all
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