When I was a girl the neighbor- hood
kids would gather around and play Chinese jump rope
it was a fun game.

another favorite was hopscotch
and it was such a blast to find the
best marker for the game. I had a
favorite old chain that my mom gave me it
was all knotted up but it was an excellent hopscotch marker

Another fun homemade
game we used to play was
the Bamboo dance game.
we lived by a creek and would
get two bamboo's for the game
it was kind of like Chinese jump rope
only it moved fast and you had to get
your feet out of the middle before it got
caught in the bamboo. the other game
we played with bamboo was of course
the LIMBO and to see " how low could we go"!
other favorites were "Red Rover" "Green Light , Red Light"
telephone, Ghost in the grave yard ( especially this time of year!)
scavenger hunt and raking up big piles of leaves and jumping
into them, crack the whip, and charades, I remember one of my nephews was
a very excellent player he once had to act like a piece of bacon in a
frying pan and no one could guess what he was!!! ( that proved his
acting ability and he did do some plays in school where his talents
showed. and there were many other fun games.
I wonder if children now days even know about any of
these old fashioned fun games which made us use our
imagination and be creative. It gave us fun and exercise
and it was kids being kids. not anything in a kids world today
of everything has to be electronic in order to have fun.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! I remember playing these games with you when we were little. You were pretty darn good at Chinese Jump rope. Grandma gave me a chain too, after I seen how good your chain was working in the game of Hop-Scotch. I started crying wanting a chain too. She went into her jewelery box, got a chain out for me, but, it didn't have knots in it. It had to be like yours! She made that noise (you know which one I am talking about) and put knots into it. I do remember her asking you if you would give me your chain. You said "NO Way! This is my lucky chain." giggle~ I remember her saying something to you spanish. I asked her what she said, and she said "Nothing." I protested and wanted to know what she said and went on to say "That's not fair, all of you talk spanish when you don't want us to know what you are saying!" She kissed me on the top of the head, and said, "Some things are not for your ears to hear." I then asked her if she had to put some money into the cussing box. She made that noise again, and aunt Mary piped in, "Mama, you better put it it!"
Whew! What a post will trigor in a memory! A wonderful memory!
Thank you Aunt Deb
By the way... you also rocked at Hop-Scotch.
Love you
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