Last night I took my hubby out on a date
to celebrate our anniversary of knowing and
being each other's best friend for 25 years anniversary
which was on Nov 1st.
we started off by having dinner at joint we always wanted
to try in a town then we headed for
the special part of our date I bought him tickets to see
one of his favorite country singers
back to the concert, we had such a great time
if any of you ever get the chance to see him and
like his music I highly recommend it.
he played for and hour and half straight
he is such a talented musician and song writer
he sang all is hits and few new ones.
he does a great impression of Willie Nelson!
he closed his encore by playing his version of the
great song DESPERADO which he recorded many
years ago.
we had such a wonderful time and my husband
enjoyed our date which was great because we
have both been under stress and have not
been able to take our mini road trips or as we
call them our breakaways, due to the upcoming
holidays. and we are hopefully going to be taking
a family one this summer to celebrate our 25th wedding
anniversary and our son graduating high school.
On our drive home we were talking and came to
the conclusion that out of our summer concert series this
year we enjoyed them all but for my hubby he enjoyed
two of them the most which was Clint Black and Keith Urban
for me it was Keith Urban,Clint Black and Brad Paisley.
oh, yes I did enjoy getting my photo with Taylor Swift(who some how
I saw three times this summer)
and seeing Tim McGraw and Faith Hill wasn't half bad
1 comment:
I seen that he was going to be here. I was wondering if you would be seeing him.
He is a good singer.
Wow! You two have been to alot of concerts! Good for the two of you!
You little romantics you
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