Saturday, November 24, 2007


I just returned from our holiday with family in Az
only to get a call while I was there that My Aunt had
taken a turn for the worst and was taken back to her house
and waiting to start her journey to Heaven.

upon my return I was blessed to have gone to see her
before her journey begins. we all have known this
day was coming and is coming sooner than we liked. we
hoped for a miracle but I think the miracle is that she is not
in any pain and is at peace and is ready to start her
journey. I spent a good few hours with my cousins and my aunt
just talking she would open her eyes now and then, I sat and noticed
how much she looked like her mother. I have never been one who
was good at accepting death, I was always taught it was a part of life
which is true but it always kind of seemed to me to be kind of a harsh
reality especially when it is the loss of someone you love, there is no answer
it is something that happens.

but tonight as I sat with my cousins and we talked and watched my aunt
I realized something my aunt taught me there can be a peacefulness to dying
she is weak, she is waiting to go home to Heaven.
we are not sure how long we will have her she could pass at any moment
but I have felt blessed tonight to be able to tell her I love her.

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