Sunday, December 30, 2007


2007 time square ball


In the last few days as we get ready to
welcome the new year of 2008
I have been kind of reflecting about
what the year had brought in and out of my life
this past year.

It started off last January on a sad note for
at the beginning of the year I was attending one
of my uncles funerals and as most of you
know in Nov I was doing that same thing
for my aunt.

I was always raised for every death there is
a birth and in my family we were blessed
twice by the birth of my great nephew in April
and my great niece in August.

I also went through some moments of uncertainty
about many things in my life some that affected me and
some that affected my family the main one was what my eldest
sister went through with her 7 heart bypass which she
is still in the recovery process but I am blessed that she
is doing well. and I thank my sisters who took good care
of her during this time.

the other was being my nephew was sent overseas and
it was hard on the family but thank the Lord he returned
home safe and sound.

I was introduced to the world of blogging and have
learned to enjoy expressing my "expressions"
and must say thanks to those who take the time
to read (some of my craziness at times!!)

I reconnected with my brother's two daughters and
their children and I am so blessed to have done so
we have been having some fun times that I know will
continue and it feels so good to have them in our life.
I know my brother and mother would be
so pleased about this. it is a connection that I plan on
having stay constant throughout my life time. ( I hope the girls
want it too!)

My husband and I have kind of reconnected in some ways
(not that we were ever disconnected) but sometimes with
the constant of daily living, couples tend to get a bit side tracked
and this year we made it a priority to not get so side tracked
from each other which has been wonderful cause we have taken
a few little "mini road trips" A.K.A. "weekend getaways" and
we are closer and still enjoy each other's company( good thing to
know cause in a few years the kids will be out of the house!)

I tried to go back to school, math not my best subject but
I still one day plan on returning. so until then I am
taking craft classes and fun things like that.

I returned to the work force and was blessed to end up
with a job I love and work with wonderful women.

I turned 45 and seemed to be alright with it
I am starting to be comfortable with the skin I am in
(so to speak, I just need to be more diligent in getting

2007 taught me so many things and I am glad
I hope that 2008 will do the same.


What I know for sure:

I will become a great aunt again very soon in the new year
I will be celebrating 25 years of marriage to my best guy friend
I will watch my son graduate from high school and then off to college in fall
I will see my daughter get her Driver's license!
I will see one of my sisters retire from teaching after 30 + years

what I hope to accomplish in 2008
make more time for myself ( physically and emotionally)
family togetherness
have fun
enjoy life.
keeping in touch with my friends
keep on sharing my expressions

so I am looking forward to what 2008 will bring
and my wish for everyone who reads this is that
2008 will bring them all they wish for.
and for a happy and blessed new year.



Angela Marie said...

What a wonderful Post!
I too have enjoyed our time together Aunt Deb and look forward to many more!
For sure!
For sure! We will be getting together more this year.



Wanda said...

Oh thank you for a peek into your life. I love seeing and hearing you 2007 and now what is coming in 2008.
I'm very glad you were introduced to Blogland. I think the same person introduced us both...:)