Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Traditions part 1

As far in my childhood as I can recall
my family like every Hispanic family
has the tradition of making Tamales for
Christmas, it is a lot of work but it is
a tradition that I enjoy to do and will continue
to keep in my family.

whenever we make them I feel my mother's
presence (she made pretty good tamales)
it brings back a lot of fun memories that
I will cherish forever.

we made our tamales this past Saturday
so now one tradition done and a few more
to do before the holidays.


JB said...

Yummmmm! I can't wait.
See you soon.

Love you,

Wanda said...

Dear S.E. I am so happy to be meeting you. I have read your comments on Angela's post many times.
Two of my daughters married Hispanic men (whom I dearly love to pieces). My oldest daughters inlaws make tamalies every year and I die for them. She makes one with pineapple and raisin which is a wonderful dessert! Yummy..Lucky Angela to get to share in this tradition!!
Thanks for stopping by my post. I'll be back you can bet on that!!:)

Angela Marie said...

Oh wow Deb! I love what you have posted. I had a wonderful time and plan to be there every year! Grandma did make the very best ones.
