Friday, January 18, 2008

week in review

This week as been full of emotions for me it has been
Happy, Tired,Angered,Stressed, Fearsome,Worried,
Caring and Saddened.

Monday my anger started with a telephone in our home
that we thought had an issue that was also messing up our
home computer, we found out the issue was not our phone
it was located in what is known as CO ( central office) this is
my hubby's lingo as he works for AT&T (however him being
an employee did not help it still took him being angered and
a week to get the situation fixed!

On Tuesday the emotions of fear really seeped inside me
as I learned a resource teacher that works closely with me and
my co-workers had contracted the MRSA Staff infections that
it developed into a pneumonia which can spread airborne. I have always
been a preventive person ( I admit I do have a thing about germs)
but I do not consider myself to be a germ a phobic person. however I have
been extremely cautious and probably over zealous in cleaning my home and
at work my anger came out because upper management was and is keeping
this Hush Hush!
my co-workers and I are not even supposed to know about this!

Wednesday things are getting a little better but I had trouble sleeping
because of the situation at work.

Thursday my daughter had a routine dentist appointment to get her teeth
cleaned however ended up having two baby teeth extracted and she was in pain
and the trooper that she is went to school in pain ( this was her first full week
and all seems to be going ok since she made her decision to return) I gave her
lots of ice cream and a shake she had to eat with a spoon what is a caring mommy for!

Friday remember the old saying TGIF!!! I love Fridays because it is my early
day I am off at 1 today was looking good because it is the start of a three day
weekend for me but then I got this call this morning from a friend regarding
another friend of ours from our breakfast club our dear friend lost both of her
elderly parents and their two dogs due to a fire in the house this past Wed
evening there is a criminal investigation going on till the autopsy is completed
I know first hand how it feels when you lose a loved one especially your parents
but to lose both of them at the same time and the way they passed well my
heart is heartbroken for my friend I did not know what to say except she and
her family are in my prayers . our little breakfast club is ready to do what ever
needs to be done when she is ready for us to do so.

I am planning on making this three day weekend kind of an escape from all the
emotions so to speak
I am either going to go see a funny movie or rent one or do something fun and
light hearted.


JB said...

Things can only go up from here.
Enjoy every minute of your three day weekend. Live in the moment and those other worries will disappear. Hopefully, they will be gone by Tuesday.

Kisses for our girl. Hope she is feeling better.

Love you

Angela Marie said...

Oh Deb! ((((hug)))

I am so sorry for the week that you have experienced and feel your frustration with your situation at work. Shame on them.

I hope my cous feels better. Two baby teeth! That sounds like Rob... it must run in the family! LOL!

Sit back, put your feet up, after you have poured your self a glass of your favorite soda, pop corn and watch that movie and enjoy! You deserve it!

Love you
I will call you tomorrow

Angela Marie said...
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Wanda said...

Oh my my heart goes out to you dear friend.

Yes, go to a movie, get a pedicure, cut your hair, better yet, dye it blue!!

Just something to take your mind off the bad!!

Anonymous said...

I hope things have gotten better. Love you