This was once a small little golden barrel cactus that we gave to my husbands parents when they retired and moved into the desert that was many years ago. when we were there for the Thanksgiving holiday I took a look at them ( we gave them two) and I could not believe how fast and how big they grew. my Mother in Law says that they bloom such pretty flower.
as I said in a previous blog when we visit my family in the desert it is a place of solitude for me, one of my joys there is to walk the property and enjoy looking at all the beauty of the desert nature. and of course my mom has planted beautiful roses that seem to thrive well. there are many places in nature that I enjoy and certain things that always seem to take my breath away when I am in that environment. I enjoy these places of nature. The Mountains because
I always feel the air I breathe up there is cool, clean, my favorite Mtn place is Yosemite National
park for many reasons because I lived and worked and met my husband there, then I of course like the ocean. to stand and listen to the roar of the waves the sound of the wind to me it is a different sound than the wind of the desert. but they both make a beautiful noise. I guess it depends what my soul aches for but when I need the fill of these places I always seem to come back with a peaceful feeling that sustains me till the next time.
This IS amazing. I thought cactus took a long time to grow. Bet they are lovely in bloom.
My friend lives in Tucson and I love her cactus garden.
This is a wonderful cactus - never seen one like it.
I have a cactus like that too!
You know what is so cool? I can see your shadow in the photo!
Great shot!
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