Thursday, July 24, 2008


On Tuesday myself and Hubby and Our Son attended orientation at UC Santa Cruz it was interesting to say the least. we had to be there by 8:00 am and then they sat all the students and parents outside where it was very chilly and had a continental breakfast, had some speakers welcome us. as we checked in we were handed recycled cotton tote bags that were created by the environmental studies classes at the campus and we were handed schedules the students had a blue schedule the parents had a yellow. after the welcome speeches were given the students went one way for the day and the parents the other. well the parents and students were split by what colleges(dorms) their student will be living in. we are in Merrill which is high on the mtn!
while on the shuttle all the parents were talking with each other do you have a son or daughter coming here? where are you from? I chatted with some real nice folks one from New York, and others from Southern Ca. we arrived at the dorm area and met the people in charge there had a question and answer session and toured a dorm. the sun came out the weather was warm and beautiful, then back to were we started for lunch with our college students then they were on their own again, parents attended a information booth fair needless to say between myself and husband we gathered many ink pens, pencils etc!

The students had enrolled for classes taken placement tests if needed ( ours did not need to!)

I can honestly say this is going to be a very interesting and exciting year for all of us.
my son bought us a gift we both got UC Santa Cruz Sweat shirts mine says Mom and hubby's of course says Dad!

1 comment:

JB said...

What is a banana slug? and how does anyone cheer at games for the banana slugs??

Sounds like a fun time at orientation.
