small town community theater. we go to a few concerts a year. we enjoy all influences of music. we have had these tickets since August
it was a sold out concert.( we were such in a hurry to make sure we got there in time we forgot to take a camera and my cell phone just took blurriness,) while there got a call from my son who is away at college, concert had started so I text really fast sorry" dad and mom are unavailable for a while! "( that was the most strange yet in a weird way fun feeling I have ever felt and of course a bit of guilt along with it!) . the concert was to be only an hour and half long it ended up being two and half hours long it was
just Vince Gill and 3 other musicians. he played his stuff that he is famous for along with some new stuff and it was so intimate because the audience would belt out a title of a song and he would sing it. he shared the inspirations that helped him write some of his songs it was very interesting to learn how some of the songs had come to be and now when I hear a particular song I will listen to it with a different sense of view. what was also so great was his wife Amy Grant was playing the same night at a town about 15 minutes away so he joked about that as well saying" my wife is great but I am so glad you came to see me instead!!) it was really great and if you ever get the chance to see him do it. Amy Grant is also great. yes, after concert I immediately called son and he was fine he was getting ready to go out to a Halloween
costume dance thing in his dorm.
On Saturday(yes, I forgot camera again!) we had the pleasure of going to my eldest nieces house for a wonderful dinner and visit with her and her husband and later her daughter. we don't get to see them much so for me it was a very dear treat that I will hold in my heart forever and I hope that when things are not so busy with everyone we can do more together.
today is Sunday and well I am still on a high from Friday and Saturday. I am just hanging out at home and catching up on laundry etc.
just to start the week all over , this week is going to be exciting as well, son coming home for the weekend, and some of my sisters coming on Sat so we begin our family holiday traditions a bit earlier this year!
I hope all my blogger pals have a great week.
Vince Gill ~~~ Break my heart. You are so so lucky....
Are his eyes still as blue???
What a wonderful time for you and your hubby....
With all that's going on in the country right now.... what a nice break!
That's funny about the call from the firstborn. My youngest would call from college at the oddest hours, like 2 AM. He knew that we would not be upset and would listen to what he had to say. Sometimes he wanted advice, sometimes just to talk about anything.
It does feel good to remind them that we have a life too. Although if we had called him at 2 AM he would have been awake.
Glad you had fun.
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