Last November a Christian based film came out called " Fireproof" I felt it was a good movie the acting was not that good but the story really hit home with me. The main actor in this film is Kirk Cameron ( aka as Mike Sever from Growing Pains) this movie was about how to build your marriage from the bibles perspective, it really stopped and made me think every marriage ( even the best of them has work to do on a daily basis) not only did I see the movie I decided to buy the book and give it a try (not that I felt my marriage needed it I just felt the need to put this Love Dare to the test for the 40 days. my husband did not even know I was following the exercises ( dares) to be honest he still does not know, what I gained from this book has helped me personally to be a better partner first with God and Second with my husband. I plan on repeating this 40 day process once again but this time with my husband's knowledge. as I was reading this I could not help but wonder how quick today young couples that get married so young feel the easiest way out is to call it quits. any relationship in life takes work
your personal, your business, whatever it may be it all takes some kind of work to achieve what you hope it to be. my wish is for all the people I know to find their bliss in whatever relationship they have or are entering into.
because the greatest gift of all is LOVE
1 comment:
There is a book you can buy??? !!!
Where did you get it? I will have to get one for me and Charlie.
Both of my sisters and their husbands, son and d-n-l... heck! for my daughter and future s-n-l.
When Charlie and I were in Monterey for our anniversary, we rented that movie. I thought it was really good too. The acting reminded me of an after school program, only for adults.
I was surprised to see some tears streaming down my husbands cheek.
The movie really makes you think about how you treat your partner and how that reflects how you feel about God.
Let me know where you got the book... a bible book store?
Let me know...
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