Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the first inspiration

Websters dictionary defines Inspiration as such
(a) Divine Influence seen as the working Holy Spirit in the human soul.
(b) The creative impulse of an artist, often seen as a super natural prompting
(c) A person who or things that inspires
(d) an inspired idea

and it also defines the word Inspire as such
(a) to move by divine influence
(b) to fill with creative power
(c) to stimulate, to inspire confidence

When I look back at my childhood I feel that the person who taught me about inspiration would have to be my mother, she has been deceased for 21 years and some how thoughts of her and what she taught me (many things lot's of blogs to come) still inspire me. where does inspiration come from all sorts of places for most of my life as stated earlier it came from my mom and now it comes from my immediate family husband, kids, and with in the whole family realm sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces etc. I feel very lucky to have been inspired by my mother for it was watching her inspiration of raising a family, un-selfishly as mothers do that some how gave me the courage to be inspired to raise my teenagers! and I still search for inspiration in my children and daily life and feel my mom's inspiration guide me.

1 comment:

Diandra said...

My mommy is my inspiration too!! I look at all the different experiences she has overcome and worked through, and how she uses them for the best.

Thank God for our Mother's Inspirations!