Thursday, May 31, 2007

I carry you in my heart

I carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
I am never without it
anywhere I go, you go my dear
and whatever is done by only me
is your doing, my darling I fear
no fate
for you are my fate, my sweet
I want no world, for beautiful
you are my world true
and it's you
whatever a moon has always meant and
whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life which
grows higher than the soul can hope
or the mend can hide
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the star's apart
I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart.
E.E. Cummings

when I was two years old I became an aunt of a sweet
little girl named Angela then a few years later her little
sister Jessica was born, I never really knew what being an aunt
meant after all these girls were close to me in age, and when we grew a little older
we would play together at each other's homes and use our imagination to the fullest
loved baking in what was the kenmore version of easy bake oven
( I still have that) or play outside by jump roping, hopscotch, etc
one memory I recall was we would love when my mother made her
flour tortillas, we would sneak them off the plate as soon as she put
one on it. ( no one made flour tortillas like my mother)

then we got older and my brother got divorced, which hurt because
I felt like my brother was taking my friends away, we did see each other
from time to time but we each began to go our own directions,

then one day my brother peter showed up at my house and I made him lunch and he saw a E.E.Cummings book I was reading and he showed me this poem saying you will like it and for
me to always keep the girls in my heart. I thought what a strange thing to tell or ask of me
they were my nieces of course I would keep them in my heart I loved them. he did not ever have to ask me that

years passed and I tried keeping in touch as best as I could with out being
intrusive in their lives, to this day I have always tried or managed to talk to one of them

a few years ago I lost my brother and it was hard to accept
I know death is apart of life but my brother to me was
my knight in shining armor, He was a family man, as furious as my brother could
get a person with his no hold bar spoken word , that was a quality in him that I most
admired. on a visit I had with him prior to his passing my son fractured his shoulder
so my visit was cut short, the second to last visit I had with my brother at his house
i took him a mexican candy he liked and we talked he asked how his nephew was because he said shoulder fractures hurt like hell and he knew what he spoke of, I replied that kiel was doing ok. he replied to me good cause I carry your kids in my heart.

I always carry all my nieces and nephews in my heart but this poem will always be the poem for my brother and his girls.

I talk to them when I can and I hope now it will be more often
just so you know even when we are unable to talk you girls
are always carried in my HEART.

1 comment:

Angela Marie said...

Beautiful poem... even more with the story behind it. Thank you for that sweetie.

I read this with tears streaming down my face. They were good tears. So don't feel bad for sharing. I love knowing things like this. As I was reading, I felt my dad with me. God, I miss him. He was my knight in shinning armor too. My saftey net. Always there for me. For everyone. I am smiling Deb.. this was lovely.

Hey! we baked some pretty mean brownies in that easy bake oven! LOL!

Love you