Friday, June 1, 2007


"sisters are different flowers
from the same garden"

Thursday I spent a wonderful day with my sister Helen
she is my rock and sounding board and I love her
with all my heart.

when I was young Helen was already married
so I don't recall seeing her that much but
I did see her when our mother would watch her
daughters, Thanksgivnigs, girls parties etc.

when I got married my husband and I were stationed
in Hawaii and my sister came out for a visit
which made me a bit nervous because I just knew
Helen as my "sister" but her visit created a special bond
between us and I am forever grateful, I don't know what
I would do without her.

I love this little saying about sister's as I mentioned earlier
I have 5 of them and I stop to think we are all so different
yet come from the same parents, yet I think I have a lot of my
sister Helen in me.and for that I believe I am truly blessed.

looking back it was Helen who kind of watched out for me
for she would not let my mom dress me mismatched ( for those who know me I have to match or have close color coordination)

one of Helen's favorite flowers is the yellow rose and I think that flower is truly her, because she has such a beauty that reigns inside and out.

my oldest sister is Mary I for some reason will always think of her
as the pretty red bloom from a barrel cactus because the cactus goes through many facets before it blooms

my sister Eva will always be a tulip because of the silent way they bloom all closed up keep things inside but when they open up what a beautiful flower they are

my sister Jeanne will always be wildflowers because to me she has always had a free spirit that flows and have you ever seen wildflowers flow in the wind? pretty cool,I am close to her as well

and my sister Linda, I think of a sunflower because she has a big smile like the face of the sunflower.

so see sister's are different flowers from the same garden.


Angela Marie said...

This was a great post! Knowing all of your sister's, I think that you matched them beautifully with the different flowers!

I love that too... "Sisters are dirrerent flowers from the same garden."

Beautiful garden indeed!!

JB said...

This is the one flower that I could find that defines the last sister, YOU, the best -
CHRYSANTHEMUM: Cheerfulness, optimism, rest, truth. Considered to be a noble flower in Asian culture, mums are used as an object of meditation per a suggestion by Confucius. Also the birthflower for November. There are others for you and they are all beautiful.