Saturday, June 2, 2007

soak up the sun

Today my son kiel and I did just that
we soaked up the Sun!

he graciously attended an outdoor country western concert
with me and he is not that into modern day country music
but bless his heart he wanted to spend the day with me

I enjoyed it tremendously, we did leave a little early
and had some good Mexican food for dinner
it was great that it was just the two of us and made some
plans of things we want to do this summer.

my husband and daughter had their own
kind of day together

we spent a total of 4 hrs soaking up the sun and
needless to say even with sunblock we did get a
little sun-burnt but our time together was worth it!

Note: Kiel told me he really liked two of the bands
that played.


inspired said...

Time spent with the loved ones; is Time well spent..inspired..

Angela Marie said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!
I didn't realize that you liked country western so much.

I have to agree with Inspired..