Friday, June 1, 2007

Take me out to the Ball Game!

Tonight my daughter's softball team
was in playoff game for the championship
pretty close game but as hard as they tried
and time was called they lost by three runs

her best friends team was playing across the field
and everyone from my daughters team and family
members went to watch this exciting last few minutes
this was the team that must be beat they had never
lost a game, and wow they were in the battle with a team who
was low on the board.

everyone was screaming, yelling, crying the coach and kids
looked like they were going to lose it if they lost which is understandable
because all season they were 11-0 undefeated.

As I was watching all the hoop la it came across my mind
this is what sports used to be the thrill of the game
the excitement and not yelling at the umpires, buying a hot dog
from the snack bar at a fair price, a family fun night

these kind of days are rare because things become to commercial
I can not wait till next season I will be looking forward to being
taken out to the Ballgame!

turns out my daughter's friend team won and will play
in the championship game!

1 comment:

Angela Marie said...

Well how exciting! You will have to make sure you let us know how the friends team does.

It sounds like it was a great season for everyone!