Sunday, July 8, 2007


" Real Priorities in life are :

I have always believed in the above little quote.

I am still dealing with my mixed feelings
but am doing better. My Kiel called me
this morning from Oregon, he and Eva are
having a great time. Mary gave us a bit of a
scare on Saturday her blood sugars would be
normal then drop extremely low to about 50

My sis Linda is a medical assistant so she
was monitoring Mary's sugars and spent
the night with her, we were afraid that
if Mary's sugars stayed that low and she
fell asleep she would fall into a diabetic coma.

Linda kept a good eye on her and Helen
called her Dr. and she got through the night
ok, I visited her today and her sugars today
seemed to be doing well at least not like Sat.
Mary has to see her Heart Dr. tomorrow Helen
is taking her and will ask the Dr. about the blood
sugars and infection her leg is looking a bit better.

On Friday My sister's Helen, Jeanne, Linda
and myself decided we would hold off on telling
Mary my Aunt Terry's prognosis because we did
not want Mary upset anymore than she was about
her infection, Today Mary asked me about Aunt Terry
so with Helen there I told her about Aunt Terry
Mary asked me to get the phone and call Aunt Terry
so she could talk to her I did, and my aunt seemed to
be in a little clearer state of mind as one can be in her
condition. Mary informed my Aunt that our family
will pray, and keep nothing but positive thoughts
for the both of them.

with that said
yes, truly I believe
priorities are

1 comment:

Angela Marie said...

With those being a persons priorities, you can not go wrong in life... with God coming first of course.