Monday, January 7, 2008

Jury Duty

I have been called for Jury Duty
I have been called once in my life but
got excused and that was many years ago!
I have never done this before!

they finally caught up with me I suppose
I am not sure how I feel about it I have mixed
emotions. I am nervous about it for what if it
is a case where a child or woman got hurt ( yes I know that
can happen to a man) but I am an emotional person I tear up
at the drop of a hat !( sad movies, T.V. songs ) I will do my best
I guess, there is also the chance that they won't even need me and
I will be excused! ( I am saying my prayers)

well just keep me in your thoughts!


Wanda said...

I will!!! I have been called three times, and excused every time. Once because I knew too many policemen, and the case involved one. Once because of my work schedule, it was a murder case and would take many weeks, and I couldn't afford not getting a paycheck in those days. And last, very interesting...because I was a preacher's wife.

Do you qualify under any of those to be excused???

Angela Marie said...

They can excuse you just for the reasons that you listed... It will be okay.