friend ( no they are just friends) attended his senior prom some how they manage to match the greens to a tee!
the prom was a mystery location prom where they did not know where it would be until they arrived they were taken by a bus to the location
the location happened to be in a town about 20 miles from our home town
the kids made the rounds to each parents house for the photo opps
and then off they went
They came back to our house grabbed a dozen donuts and off they went
my son got home about 3:00 am
and then later that day the gang
was here hanging out
and all in all they said they had
a great time. looking at these photos
the days are running short to graduation. as you know my son is off to Santa Cruz in the fall, his friend john in the photo is off to boot camp for the army the day after graduation and sally in the blue is off to jr college
in another city. and virginia has one more year of high school. I am glad the kids are making the most of their time together.
Wow! This post reminds me of my prom way back when! Time does go fast, doesn't it??
Happy Thursday :))
The way K is standing reminds me of daddy.
Looks and sounds like he had fun! I am glad that he went to his prom. It will be a memory soon.
Those pics look like they were taken in another age. It is like looking in a yearbook. Good effects.
Happy he had a good time. I love that suit on him!!
Love and kisses. C U soon.
HAHA! WHAT A STUD! He's looking good.
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