Well the time as come once again for my son to head back to UC Santa Cruz
he was home for the summer and aside from working and taking a trip to the Shakespeare festival with one of my sisters for a week in Oregon and being home. I feel as though the time flew by and I really did not get to spend the quality time I would have liked to with him. This last week we made it a point to hit the local Starbucks and sit with our drinks
him his white choc mocha me my venti black sweetened ice tea and a few scones and talk, this is a ritual we usually do but lately it has been a now and then thing. but it was good we talked. He did so well last year that this year will be even better for him. He found out two weeks ago that he is going to be a Residential Aide for 15 freshman! pretty ironic since he himself was a freshman last year so he can share the wisdom! what is more exciting is he gets is own dorm room!! and his food paid for the year which is really a blessing to us all. and with my hubby's VA paying the tuition he is pretty set for this school year
he is also going to be tutoring. so that will be is spending money!! of course he will be back for visits and we will be up there for plenty of visits and having him take us to the coolest eateries. He and I have our phone conversation nights which last year have become so very special to me. sometimes a mom just needs to hear her son's voice!!
Last week we did the last minute shopping of essentials you know laundry detergent, toiletries etc. I can honestly say I as I write this I am a bit teary eyed because I am savoring the moments, minutes, hours that we spent doing this.
I am so in awe of my baby yes, he is a young man but as any mother would say no matter what age he is always my first born baby forever. I know he will succeed with all the passion he has
he is a double major and last year got well on his way Anthropology and Legal studies he plans to go to grad school and can see himself teach at a university. and to be honest I can see him doing that.
so, though he left yesterday and his all settled in his new dorm room and we have already talked and I still feel a little blue it was so nice having him home. but I am looking forward to visiting him and having him show me all the great things in his world in Santa Cruz.
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